A stop at Tobacco Monopoly Monument


Tobacco Monopoly is one among the few history lessons that actually stored in my memory like it was just thaught yesterday. This lesson actually belongs to our 5th grade book, 17 years way back. I actually don’t remember all the details but the idea of the agreement is really familiar and it makes me excited to actually see this monument in person.
For those who already have forgotten the stories, this monument remind of two things, the 100 years of dark history and the day that it was ended.

It all started when Spaniard discovered the good climate of this place which is perfect to grow tobacco. 1781-1881 is the duration of “Monoplyo ng tabako ” when the locals are forced to only plant tobacco and was only allowed to sell tobacco leaves to the Spanish government. Local stories also say something about forced labor that added to the pain of the farmers.
Tobacco Monopoly was finally lifted by King Alfonso XII in 1881. And, as a sign of gratitude and appreciation this Monument was erected on the same year by the locals.

This Monument is located in the Heart of Laog City in front of the Ilocos Provincial Capitol. It stands straight facing the Laoag bridge. This place is accessible via 5-15 minute walk from Laoag City Hall, Marcos Hall of Justice, McDonalds, Sinking Bell Tower, St. Williams Cathedral, Hotel Tiffany, Texicano Hotel and its close establishments. Staying or coming from a place outside the city proper, you can reach this spot through tricycle ride which will cost you Php11.00 as of 03/19/2013.

My Ilocos Travel Series:



  1. Good to hear it's still standing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. hi, where to eat snacks around tobacco monument?


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