Another great reason to shop at Zalora.

Wow – time runs so fast its weekend again I hope you had a wonderful one. As for me, I would like thank Zalora Philippines for adding a blast on my week and I am happy to share that Senyorita Lakwachera is now one of Zalora’s brand ambassador. This will be making our online shopping more exciting.  Aside from more than 10,000.00 products to choose from, zalora also carries almost all of your favorite brands from local brands like Ichigo to International brands like Gucci.
 Another great reason to shop at Zalora. Fashion, Lifestyle, Shopping, Zalora Philippines, online shops in the philippines,  online marketing in the philippines, Philippines online stores, Philippines online markets, Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs. Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs.

Another great reason to shop at Zalora. Fashion, Lifestyle, Shopping, Zalora Philippines, online shops in the philippines,  online marketing in the philippines, Philippines online stores, Philippines online markets, Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs. Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs.

You may wonder aside from the wide variety of brand and choices, what else makes online shops more amusing for me rather than going to the mall?

                      1. First and foremost I am a busy person.
                      2. I don’t have much time to spend for shopping.
                      3. I consume most of my time facing my computer.
                      4. I am fanned of durable clothing.
                      5. I love those trendy once.
                      6. I love free shipping and discounts (like I hate 12% tax).
                      7. I hate the traffic jam.

Philippines held to be one of the cyber capitals of the world and that the online shops and seller invaded us and one of those who benefit to that are professionals like me. Thus online selling is truly convenient there are still a lot of risks, racing the importance of being vigilant to scams. When I get to find a shop who sells authentic goods then this makes me fall. Then followed by valuable propositions like bank deposit as an payment option- No credit card NEEDED , just deposit your payment on their bank accounts then you can sit back and relax while waiting for it to be delivered right on your door steps.

Zalora’s propositions:

Another great reason to shop at Zalora. Fashion, Lifestyle, Shopping, Zalora Philippines, online shops in the philippines,  online marketing in the philippines, Philippines online stores, Philippines online markets, Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs. Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs.
Easy pament methods:

Another great reason to shop at Zalora. Fashion, Lifestyle, Shopping, Zalora Philippines, online shops in the philippines,  online marketing in the philippines, Philippines online stores, Philippines online markets, Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs. Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs.

Too good be true? Why not try? is giving away an introductory gift worth Php.250.00 when you sign up, just so you could try.

Another great reason to shop at Zalora. Fashion, Lifestyle, Shopping, Zalora Philippines, online shops in the philippines,  online marketing in the philippines, Philippines online stores, Philippines online markets, Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs. Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs.

Ready to shop? Already used you P250.00? Me in partnership with Zalora is giving away 5% discount voucher that every one of you can enjoy for your purchases above P500.00. I am privilege to let you use and abuse this code!

Another great reason to shop at Zalora. Fashion, Lifestyle, Shopping, Zalora Philippines, online shops in the philippines,  online marketing in the philippines, Philippines online stores, Philippines online markets, Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs. Zalora Philippines is an online websites offering, RTW, small appliances, banded clothing and accessories, jewelries and household needs.

Save time, save energy, save the tax, save more – coz your worth it! Enjoy your weekend and happy shopping! 


  1. It look great :D ps: I follow you back :D

  2. heyyy you are so beautiful, nice blog :D
    blogwalking here. mind to follow each others? ^^


  3. ciao pretty!
    i dont know this shop , but i coming to see it
    thanks about your comment
    follow eaht other?
    im now following you

  4. Cool review and lovely blog! I follow you now and I will be happy if you follow back:)
    xx chris

    1. thank you so much for following back and your nice comment:D
      happy week,
      xx chris

  5. Thanks for your comment! I also saw your post, that's nice with you. I just followed you. hope your follow back ;) !

  6. Sounds great! Now following you, can't wait for you to follow back

    Scarr xx

  7. Amazing online shopping! I will try it!

    p.s.Love your blog too!! I follow you now with google friend connect! Hope you'll do the same!! I wait for you in my blog!! Kisses!


  8. Nice post :) Hey, if you want, check out my blog, If you like it follow on GFC and Bloglovin, and I ALWAYS follow back xx – Vanessa Mae

  9. ohhhi don't think they have that shop in where i live :[ btw, thanks for your comment.

  10. really intresting blog dear. would you like to follow each other?

  11. Hi dear!
    Of course I wanna follow each other...I'm following now <3
    Please follow me back!

  12. nice blog
    thanks for visit and comment in my blog
    of course.. followed you now with GFC
    follow me back , okay? :)

    glad for visit here

  13. thanks for commenting on my blog! im already following you on gfc! im number 404 :) hope you can follow back :)

  14. This is very cool, Congratulations wishing you the very best!

    now following, hope you follow back!

  15. Love your blog!! :) Thank you for your sweet comment!! Of course we can follow each other! I start now following you now with google friend connect! Hope you'll do the same! I wait for you in my blog!! Kisses!


  16. Didn't know that brand!
    Following you now, waiting for you to follow me back :)

  17. thanks for your lovely comment, dear. nice blog!
    i followed you. now is your turn :D


  18. Me likey your blog layout. :) Follow each other? :)

  19. I Would love to follow each other.I´m now following you.follow me back:)

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