Herencia Restaurant – home of peculiarly flavored pizzas.

Herencia Restaurant – home of peculiarly flavored … Bagnet, Dinuguan, Food, Herencia Restaurant, Ilocos Norte, Paoay Church, Pizza, Unique Pizza - Ilocos Delicacies, Filipino Cuisine, Ilocano Delicacies, Ilocano Cuisine, Pinoy Local Pizza, Pinoy Local cooking - Herencia Restaurant – home of peculiarly flavored … Bagnet, Dinuguan, Food, Herencia Restaurant, Ilocos Norte, Paoay Church, Pizza, Unique Pizza - Ilocos Delicacies, Filipino Cuisine, Ilocano Delicacies, Ilocano Cuisine, Pinoy Local Pizza, Pinoy Local cooking
We were heading to Paoay church when we passed by Herencia Café, dinning here was never planned and it was never in my knowledge that such cafe exist in Paoay (Does this means I read less?). What was planned is to taste the best of Ilocos delicacy and Glenn Tolintino says that they serve good Bagnet, Pinakbet and Pizza.
In my thoughts after hearing about trying out their Pizza - “Bagnet - yes, Pinakbet-quiet but Pizza? don’t we bpo and call center employees have lots of it in the office? haha!
Lesson Learned: Never assume!

We went through their menu list though I am quite sure I want to taste the original Bagnet from the place itself where the recipe originated. Going through it are some Spanish, Italian, and Indian cuisine. And the pizzas – the peculiarly flavored Pizzas! choices like Pinakbet Pizza, Dinuguan Pizza excites us and some that I forgot – we got the second one.

Here is our yummy Bagnet, side with tomato and alamang. (Errggg see I want one now at my desk).

Trivia: Bagnet in Ilocos usually cost 360-450 per serving which is good for 3-4 person. To think this is quite expensive. According to Glenn bagnet is expensive due to the meticulous process of cooking. The meat is boiled first and then deep fried; the process is being repeated 9 times before it became bagnet.

For some reason I craved for Dinuguan (I am a big fan of Dinuguaan) and we ordered Crispy dinuguan – this one I can say is something I would want to change in replace for something else on the menu. I can’t seem to taste much of flavor and they said its “Crispy dinuguan” but the meat is gummy.

And the highlight is the Dinuguan Pizza; this fusion takes local cuisine to the next level of cooking. I love the pizza, the crust was thin and crispy and the flavor is just enough – I love that they put fresh green New Mexico cayenne pepper instead of depending on the cooked once included in the dinuguan – the way I first visualized it, because those tiny slices of cayenne pepper really added a value to its good taste.

Here are some photos of Herencia’s interior. I personally love antique sewing machine made used as tables and the Moroccan liked chandeliers.

The service was good and we enjoyed dining here. Kudos to their Juice coz its 20% purer than those juice of the same price in manila. ;)
Herencia Café: Herencia literally means Heritage, one among the few restaurant in Ilocos who remained faithful to classical Ilocano cuisine and bringing those dishes to an entirely new level in culinary excelence. (

Herencia Café
McArthur Street, Bgy. 14, Sangladan, Paoay (in front of Paoay Church).
For inquiries you may call tel. 077- 614 -0214.

Other Post about my Ilocos Trip



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